I found Samuel Zohar Yanai through a YouTube video a bit less than a year ago. My story started after moving to a new house in 2015. One night I happened to wake up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water.
While standing in front of my kitchen sink, I witnessed two of my neighbors inside my backyard. At the time I didn’t realize what they were doing.
But shortly after this incident I started having some really weird stuff taking place in my house as well as in my life in general.
My business that was successful and running strong for 20 years collapsed. My family, who’s always been loving and supporting, suddenly all turned against me at the same time.
My friends that I’ve had my entire life all simultaneously abandoned me and disappeared out of my life. It felt like I was walking under a dark cloud every moment of every day. Even my dogs started getting sick and eventually died.
Within a few months of that incident involving my neighbors. Things in my house started happening that had never happened before.
For example, I could put something down like my keys or my purse in the same place I’ve always put them down when entering my house and within an hour or so they would just vanish.
I could turn the whole house upside down looking for them. Eventually, sometimes within hours, sometimes the next day the items would appear exactly where I left them originally.
Several times after returning home I would find my dogs locked up in the bathroom even though there was no way for them to get into the house while I was gone.
These are just 2 examples out of dozens of different incidents that would literally fill up a book if I described them all.
As time went on, things got stranger and stranger. I could think of justify what was going on.
I started thinking that I was losing my mind. The only thing that made me think that I wasn’t going crazy was that my son was with me on several occasions and saw or heard the same things I did.
Eventually it got so bad that I started having experiences where I would be setting on the couch to watch TV or read a book in the evening and all of the sudden I would look up and see shadows on the wall in front of me as though there was somebody in the room with me walking around behind me. But when I would turn around there would be no one there.
There were many occasions that I would hear my son calling for me from his bedroom and I would come in to see what he needed, and he would tell me that he didn’t call me. At first, I thought he was playing around with me or trying to freak me out or something.
But after a while he started having the same experience where he would come into my room or into the kitchen where I was and would be stunned when I would tell him I didn’t call him.
Another oddity was when the appliances in my house and even my electrical system in the house started to emit a loud high-pitched noise like frequency or whistling coming out of my walls.
My appliances would suddenly start working like they were on overtime. I could hear my refrigerator from the other room at night sounding like the motor was about to explode or like a tractor was running in my kitchen.
My appliances or other devices would overheat from 10 or 15 minutes of use.
When this would happen, my dogs would jump on top of me and cower like they have seen a ghost. After a while they refused to go out in the yard without me and leaving them home alone became very difficult.
Eventually I ran into some videos on YouTube from a couple of rabbis that were talking about demons and demonic possessions. At some point it dawned on me that what I was experiencing was exactly what these rabbis were discussing in these videos.
I started to think back about when this stuff all started, where it originated from, and I came to the conclusion that all of this started shortly after the night my neighbors were in my backyard.
That night one of the neighbors was digging a hole and burying something in my backyard while the other neighbor was dressed in a white robe with a very strange white head covering.
After hearing the rabbis explain that demons and spirits do exist and thinking back to that night I knew that what I witnessed was the neighbors doing a satanic or witchcraft ritual.
Whatever the intent of their ritual was, it was clearly evil, and it resulted in these demonic forces that intended to ruin my life.
It took almost 5 years from the day of the day I originally witnessed the satanic ritual till I figured out what was going on.
I contacted my local Chabad temple and spoke to the rabbi who suggested that I seek a kabbalist to help me.
I took that advice and with the rabbis help i started looking for someone familiar with Kabbalah who could help remove this dark cloud from over me and out of my life. This is how I finally connected with Samuel.
It’s been about 9 months since I originally contacted Samuel, and I would say that 95% or so of the darkness that persisted over my life has vanished. The things that were taking place stopped.
There’s still a little bit of work to be done, but for the most part my life’s taken a dramatic change for the better. My health is improved.
To anyone reading this, I would say if you have things going on in your life that you cannot explain, that are plaguing you persistently, that feel like they are dark and evil, you should seriously consider consulting with Samuel.
In my case all I gave him was my name, date of birth and my mother’s name and within a day he was able to contact me back and give me an exact description of what I was experiencing. I never told him what I was going through.
I simply gave him the information he needed and he contacted me back with a complete and totally accurate breakdown of what was going on.
The fact that he was able to decipher what was spiritually around me and given me a very accurate description of my situation gave me confidence that he would be able to help me.
Another factor that was also important to me was that in his video interview that I originally saw on YouTube, he said that when he does his work the very first thing, he does is turn off all of the electricity to the house.
After experiencing the weird electrical anomalies that were going on in my house, I knew that knew what he was talking about.
These spirits are energy beings, and they draw on the electric energy that flows through our wiring and our devices.
In conclusion, I would say to anyone going through this type of situation, you’re not crazy and you’re not imagining things. The spiritual world is all around us whether you see it or not.
If somebody would have told me the things that happened to me are possible, I would have thought they’re crazy.
But now that I’ve experienced it in my own life, there’s no doubt in my mind that this kind of stuff does indeed exist. There’s help there and you don’t have to live this way.