Samuel Zohar Yanai Black Magic Healer And Removal Expert
Over 25 years experience

Prayer to remove Black magic

spiritual healer

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Black magic, a harmful spiritual force, can create profound disturbances in a person’s life, affecting their well-being, relationships, and peace of mind. Throughout history, people from various traditions have sought protection and healing through prayer.

In Judaism and Kabbalah, specific prayers and sacred texts are revered for their ability to ward off negative energies and restore spiritual harmony.

However, it is important to understand that while these prayers can serve as a form of “first aid” for light cases, deeper and more complex cases of black magic often require the expertise of a professional healer.

Samuel Zohar Yanai, a spiritual healer and expert in black magic removal, advises seeking professional guidance to ensure that the root causes of negative energy are fully addressed.

Samuel Zohar Yanai, an expert in spiritual healing and black magic removal, emphasizes the importance of combining sincere intention (kavanah) with traditional prayers to achieve the most effective results.

Below, we share powerful prayers rooted in Jewish tradition that are often used for protection and healing.

A Prayer for Protection and Cleansing

One of the most well-known prayers for protection against harmful forces is Psalm 91, a chapter that invokes divine shelter and deliverance. Recite it with a focused mind and pure heart:

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart…”

This psalm is a powerful shield against spiritual attacks and is often recited daily for protection.

Ana Bekoach – The Kabbalistic Prayer for Transformation

The Ana Bekoach is a mystical prayer from Kabbalah, known for its ability to cleanse negative energies and align one with divine light. It consists of seven verses, each corresponding to a divine name:

“Ana bekoach, gedulat yemincha, tatir tzerura. Kabel rinat amcha sagveinu tahareinu nora…”

This prayer is traditionally recited with deep concentration, focusing on the letters and their divine energy. It is particularly effective when recited in the morning or evening, times associated with spiritual renewal.

The 42-Letter Name of God

In Kabbalah, the 42-letter name of God, derived from the first letters of the Ana Bekoach prayer, is considered a powerful tool for spiritual protection. Meditating on the letters or reciting the prayer while visualizing the divine name can help break the chains of harmful energy and restore harmony to your life.

Psalm 23 – A Prayer of Faith and Comfort

Another psalm widely used for spiritual protection is Psalm 23, which speaks of trust in God’s guidance and deliverance:

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake…”

This prayer can be recited when one feels overwhelmed by fear, uncertainty, or spiritual challenges.

The Importance of Intention and Guidance

While prayers are powerful tools, their effectiveness depends on the purity of intention and the focus of the person reciting them. To ensure the best results, it is essential to seek guidance from a qualified spiritual healer, who can provide personalized support and advice tailored to your unique situation.

Samuel Zohar Yanai, with his deep knowledge of Kabbalah and Halacha, offers a holistic approach to removing black magic and restoring balance to your life. His work combines ancient wisdom with modern understanding, helping clients worldwide find peace and protection.

If you feel you are under the influence of black magic or negative energies, reach out today to begin your journey toward spiritual freedom and healing.

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